A big HELLO from me.

It’s Charlize here.

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Its main job is to inspire you.

  1. Viewing life from a point of exploration, courage and wonder

  2. Accelerating personal growth by experimenting with impactful strategies

  3. Celebrating creativity. Yeay!

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It may sound odd. I am not telling you that inner transformation is going to be easy, but it is worth it. Who knew?

Top 3 Articles to get started

1/ How do we stay one second ahead?

What is it that we need to learn now to stay one second ahead? And how do we perform in a sustainable manner - in the long run? What will help us thrive instead of survive?

Stay ahead now

2/ Signs that you are growing and transforming

Three counter-intuitive ideas to spot the growth mindset in yourself.

Learn to spot growth

3/ Money is …

My most recent aha-moment of money boils down to something much more mundane and simple.

Explore money

Subscribe to FYI newsletter

The FYI Newsletter offers a multifaceted view on recent developments across disruptive change, culture, human consciousness, and inner transformation - driven by curiosities, controversies, research, technological breakthroughs and my own lived experience